Past Workshops

Our Workshops
Quick guide to grant writing Dr Tanya Latty (University of Sydney) We’ll go through the art of grant writing, from developing ideas to making sure your grant is targeted to the right audience.
CVs & Job apps - communicating your diverse strengths Dr Anne Gasket (University of Auckland) A workshop of positive and practical ideas for building skills, crafting CVs and job apps, and getting ready for interviews. We’ll explore ways to identify and communicate your own skills and strengths, including career/research/teaching strategies and service/leadership philosophies. We will also consider how to match these to job ad criteria and the hirer’s goals. I’ll share my experience of writing job ad criteria, training and being on interview panels, assessing promotions, and mentoring early career researchers, especially women. I hope to emphasise that is not all about publications and grants, and that even if there are no jobs advertised, you can still explore directions, and build relationships and your CV. We can tailor the workshop to match your job interests (e.g. research, teaching, industry, outreach, government agencies, postdocs, lecturers, academic promotions). If you are also experienced in mentoring and career development, do join in and share your knowledge!
Tools to make engaging research posters Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi (University of Auckland) Posters are often considered a last option “just in case I don’t get a presentation spot in the conference”. However, they can be a great way to showcase your research in a visual and concise manner. In this workshop, we will discuss tools to make posters more engaging and accessible. We will go through colours, fonts, images, spacing, content, audience, software and much more. This will be a hands-on workshop, so come with a research topic!
Quick guide to Science Communication Dr Tanya Latty (University of Sydney) and Dr Kate Umbers (Western Sydney University) Communicating your science to the public can be tricky! We’ll talk about strategies for interacting with the media, and we’ll discuss ideas for promoting your work beyond academia.
Creating tidy, reproducible projects, data and code Dr Thomas White (The University of Sydney) If our work is to endure and be maximally useful (including to our future-selves) our projects need to be tidy, reproducible, and self-contained. Here we’ll learn the basics of organising our digital data in self-contained projects, arranging information in spreadsheets in their most useful form, and organising our code so it remains usable well into the future.
Data wrangling in R with the tidyverse Dr Thomas White (The University of Sydney) Data are often a catastrophic mess. We need a coherent set of tools for whipping it into shape, such as that offered by the 'tidyverse'. Here’s we’ll introduce the key verbs, and explore how to link them together to clean, manipulate, and modify our data within a reproducible pipeline.
Data visualisation in R with ggplot2 Dr Thomas White (The University of Sydney) Visualising your data is the most important part of any analysis. Here we’ll introduce the magic of the 'ggplot2' package which offers a logical, coherent, and flexible approach to the creation of publication-quality graphics.
Using R Markdown for reproducible documents (and other cool stuff) Dr Thomas White (The University of Sydney) R Markdown offers a simple but powerful framework for weaving together code and text into reproducible documents. Beginning at the beginning, we’ll learn how to write your next paper in a truly reproducible way, while also touching on the broader magic R Markdown can offer including the creation of slides, books, websites, handouts, dashboards, and shiny applications.
A Basic Introduction to Machine Learning Dr Anne Aulsebrook (Max Planck Institute for Ornithology)